Average Earnings Calculation (year end March ’19)

Year ended 31 March 2019
Average earnings calculation
Profit per the accounts          253,770 No. of Full time GP Partners
Less excluded income items –         190,715 No. of Part time GP Partners 1
Plus excluded expenditure items          122,078 No. of Full time Salaried GP’s 1
         185,133 No. of Part time Salaried GP’s 1
Less Employers superannuation –           23,223 No of Long Term Locums (More than 6 months) 2
         161,910 B Total Doctors 5
Plus salaried GPs Gross              99,882
Plus long term Locums              31,986
Revised profits          293,778 A Mean published average earnings (A/B)              58,756
Website declaration
NHS England require that the net earnings of doctors engaged in the practice is publicised, and the required disclosure is shown below. However it should be noted that the prescribed method for calculating earnings is potentially misleading because it takes no account of how much time doctors spend working in the practice, and should not be used to form any judgement about GP earnings, nor to make any comparison with any other practice.
The average pay for GPs working in THE NEW CITY MEDICAL PRACTICE in the last financial year was £58756 before tax and National Insurance. This is for 1 full time GPs, 2 part time GPs and 2 locum GPs who worked in the practice for more than 6 months
Excluded items list
Less Add
Excluded income items Excluded expenditure items
Rent reimbursement              48,000 Rent, rates & water              10,993
Rates & water              11,108 Mortgage interest              22,780
Locally & Nationally commissioned Enhanced Services Costs of delivering these services
Quality Premium              24,726 Estimate 60% of income              14,836
Specialised sexual health service/IUD                    980 Estimate 60% of income                    588
Transformation funding              28,872 Estimate 60% of income              17,323
Prescribing Gain share              10,335 Estimate 60% of income                6,201
Winter sit rep                1,920 Estimate 60% of income                1,152
Antibiotic scheme                5,146 Estimate 60% of income                3,088
Small LES’s                3,085 Estimate 60% of income                1,851
Commissioning group activities Related expenses
CCG salaries/ backfill Estimate 60% of income                      –
CCG meeting attendance Estimate 60% of income                      –
CCG incentive schemes                      –
CCG prescribing schemes                5,309 Estimate 60% of income                3,185
Extended services Costs of delivering these services
Sundry                2,564 Estimate 60% of income                1,538
Sundry                1,124 Estimate 60% of income                    674
Education & Training Costs of delivering these services
GP trainee salary reimbursed Salary
GP appraisal fees                      –
Registrars’ salaries
Training grant
Others SFE payments
Locum for paternity Estimate 60% of income                      –
Locums covering sickness leave                6,082 Short term locum cover                6,082
Other income              21,820 Actual              20,000
NHS collaborative fees
Non NHS payment
Sunderland Alliance              16,865 Estimate 60% of income              10,119
Non NHS income Costs of delivering these services
Insurance, medical reports                2,779 Estimate 60% of income                1,667
Cremation fee Estimate 60% of income                      –
Total excluded income items          190,715 Total excluded expenditure items          122,078
* When costs not known use 60% expenditure:40% income